Swimming Lessons

Cost is $65.00

Maximum Enrollment of 40 kids per session

This year swim lessons will be offered at the Fosston Civic Center. The Lessons will be 12 day sessions, they get plenty of adjustment and instruction time. Fosston Civic Center teaches strictly by the Red Cross levels and each student is given a red cross card passing them to the next level provided they have met the criteria of the previous level. They have 6 levels of instruction. All instructors have their lifeguard certifications as well as their Water Safety Instructor certification.


Monday, July 15 - Thursday, August 1st


FIRST SESSION: 12 sessions, 10:15am - 12:00
The first session bus will leave the Sports Complex parking lot between the softball and baseball fields at 9:30am (sharp) and return around 12:30pm to the same place.

Please Note: Students MUST have a note from parents, or the parent speak directly to a supervisor, if they are not riding home on the bus. Thank you